User Settings -> Notifications -> Text-to-Speech The first TTS toggle setting can be found here: Method One: Notification Settings & Server-Wide Mute
We get it, the troll in your channel just had the TTS bot read 'Well, we have two selective methods to trim who and what channels have the privilege of utilizing TTS. Depending on what platform you're using, you'll be hearing different TTS voices! Make it stop! Internet browsers such as Chrome or Firefox have a different Text-to-Speech reading bot than Windows or Mac do. tts Discord's pretty awesome Important Note: TTS follows the default system settings of how Discord is being used. To have a sentence read in Text-to-Speech, just type /tts before your sentence. The Text-to-Speech (TTS) function will help you achieve your wildest robot dreams by reading what you type directly to your channel. Microphones are great however sometimes you just want to be a robot, right?